Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lindt Cafe - CBD

Lindt CafĂ© – CBD

This has definitely been the most fun hot chocolate experience I’ve ever had. First of all when you walk in you see this big grand beautiful building that smells amazing. When the drink is served you get an empty cup, a jug full of hot frothed milk, and a miniature jug of pure lindt chocolate (Milk and Dark available. I ordered Dark).

Then this is where the fun comes, you pour in the molten choc and then the milk and stir. Now I have to be honest this place is pretty much impossible to judge because everyone is going to do theirs slightly differently, but I do know that how ever you do it, it will taste like Easter in a cup!
Some downsides of this are that you don’t get any froth, and the milk isn’t hot enough to totally dissolve the chocolate. And because of this it gets slightly stronger at the end, which isn’t exactly a bad thing. But here’s the best part there’s enough ingredients to make 3 maybe 4 cups! And I think that’s fantastic because you get
• Value for money
• Every cup tastes different
• You can adjust as you go
You also get peace of mind knowing that it’s not watered down. But a slight let down is by the time your at the last cup the heat is gone, and you’ll walk out very full!

Summary: What an amazing experience. Fun, Yummy but for this review I can’t really do marks so I’ll leave you guys to be the judges. Comment on what you think.

Marshmallows: No
Price: $6.50
How they describe it: N/A
Address: 271 Collins Street

Presentation: (Before you combine) 8/10
Froth: N/A
Taste: N/A
Overall: N/A

San Churro - Docklands

San Churro – Docklands

Classic Spanish

The mug is strange but cool, and you’ll also notice that there is no froth on top! Although that might be them sticking to the original Aztec recipe blah, blah, blah. The Choc is not stirred and is VERY HOT! Like undrinkable for 4 minutes hot. But once it cools down you can taste the nice and thick mixture. The Flavour is very unique. It’s like milk chocolate without the sweetness, and yet doesn’t taste dark. And let me tell you that I love it! It stays in the top and back of your mouth and everything is consistent. It is very filling and there is no choc shot.

Summary: Well done San Churro, you’ve managed to get a very unique and enjoyable flavour and made it work, just turn down the heat a bit!


Marshmallows: No

Price: $5.50

How they describe it: “Our Spanish Hot Chocolate is made to an authentic Spanish recipe. This drink is rich, thick and seriously addictive. (You have been warned!)”

Address: Harbour Town, Docklands



Presentation: 7.2/10

Froth: N/A

Taste: 8/10

Overall: 8.1/10

Brunetti - Carlton

Brunetti – Carlton

This place has cakes to die for and has great chocolate but is their Hot Chocolate any good? Well the froth has syrup on top and is cold but with subtle and nice flavour, and there is a perfect amount of it compared to the size. Choc not stirred and it could be hotter, but the flavour is punchy and dark yet not bitter. It’s consistent and there is no choc shot.

Summary: Look it’s not exactly terrible but I just thought that it could have been up to the same standard as their cakes.


Marshmallows: No

Price: $3.50

How they describe it: N/A

Address: 194 - 204 Faraday Street, Carlton



Presentation: 7.5/10

Froth: 6.7/10

Taste: 7.3/10

Overall: 7.1/10

Friday, July 2, 2010

Coco Louge - Glen Waverly

Coco Lounge – Glen Waverly

Served in a tall mug on a retro red saucepan. The froth is beautifully rich but there could have been a bit more of it. The chocolate is clearly not stirred but the serving temperature is VERY HOT!! The mixture I’m sad to say is not chocolaty enough; it tastes way too milky. Another downside is that chocolate sediment constantly settles to the bottom which means you have to keep stirring. On the plus side it is nice and thick in the back of your throat. The flavour does get slightly stronger as u go on, although is cancelled out by the fact that as you get used to the repetitive flavour it tastes more watery.
And finally there is no choc shot.

Summary: When looking at the name of this store I thought “Great this place must make a mean hot chocolate” unfortunately I was pretty disappointed. And I’m guessing so will you.

Marshmallows: No
Price: $4.20
How they describe it: N/A
Address: 93 Railway Parade, Glen Waverly
Website: N/A

Presentation: 6.3/10
Froth: 6.7/10
Taste: 5.4/10
Overall: 6.2/10

Chokolait (JAFFA) - CBD

Jaffa - Dark

Their Jaffa drink is fairly similar to the standard dark Belgian with a few differences, some good, some not so good. I was surprised that they could manage to get the choc orange flavour into the froth itself. It was medium strength and very nice. As before the mix is very thick and dense, and still needs to be served much hotter.

Unlike some Fraus’s though the specified flavour is very present. It’s punchy and tangy and stays in the back of your throat. But the downside is that the combination of super richness and tangy orange flavour can become almost uncomfortable to drink by the end. It’s repetitive and bitey in your throat. Although the last couple of swigs do get much sweeter.

Summary: A great idea for a flavour and they’ve made it work very well. It is definitely worth a try but I still prefer the original at this point.


Marshmallows: No

Price: $6.50


Presentation: 8.6/10

Froth: 11/10

Taste: 9/10

Overall: 9.5/10

Greco (European Grill) - Southbank

Greco (Eurpean Grill) – Crown Complex, Southbank

Served in a medium sized homely mug with a long spoon and 2 optional sugars. The froth is paper thin so it was pretty much impossible for me to give a judging because there was virtually nothing to judge! Chocolate was not mixed in at bottom, but the worst thing of all was that it was served cold! Now the mixture was a good balance between sweet and darkness but I couldn’t really enjoy it because it was so cold. That said the chocolate in the mixture was beautifully smooth in your mouth, and probably would have been better if it was served hot. Also in the last quarter of the cup the bitterness becomes a bit stronger which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Summary: When you walk in and see this store it looks and sounds very posh and expensive, and it is, but their hot chocolate falls quite short of this standard. It could be great if it just had froth and was much hotter!

Marshmallows: No
Price: $5.00
How they describe it: N/A
Address: Crown Complex

Presentation: 6/10
Froth: 0.3/10
Taste: 6.2/10
Overall: 6/10

Sandbar - Port Melbourne

Sandbar – Port Melbourne

Served In a small glass cup with loads of chocolate sitting at the bottom. There is not enough froth and there is a bit too much choc powder on top but this does give the rest of the milky froth more powerful flavour. When you stir in the mixture it turns from white to a beautiful chocolate brown which looks very enticing. The mixture has fantastically rich flavour which stays consistent throughout the whole drink, but… it isn’t served hot enough and this cobbled together with the fact that it is a very small serving size and the flavour is intoxicating, I (and I’m presuming you will to) finished it in less than a minute which just isn’t good enough.

Summary: Well it certainly won’t get top marks for froth but the mixture is beautiful, but because of the serving size and temperature, I suggest you should maybe order a couple of them to satisfy you appetite!


Marshmallows: No

Price: $3.50

How they describe it: N/A

Address: 175B, Beaconsfield Parade

Website: N/A


Presentation: (Once stirred) 7/10

Froth: 4.3/10

Taste: 7.6/10

Overall: 6.5/10

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fraus - North Melbourne (COCONUT)


As with pretty mush all Fraus’s, presentation isn’t really a big factor so it doesn’t really matter that it’s a bit bland and boring. And obviously there is no froth. Now down to business. The coconut flavour needs to be more present although the further through the drink you go, and the more and more used to it you get, the coconut flavour does become more evident.

Although when I was having it, it wasn’t what I expected. Instead of invisible coconut flavouring it just seems to be regular chocolate with coconut shreds in it. This means that when you drink it you constantly get small chunks of coconut in your mouth. Now I’m not really sure if I like this concept and I’ll leave you to decide if you like it but I think I’m leaning slightly towards yes. Now I don’t know how they make it so can’t say truly if it is or isn’t but it seems that if all they’ve done is added shredded coconut then I’m not sure if it’s value for money.

Summary: After drinking this I was left in a bit of a pickle but if I did have to give my final opinion it would be… Yes it can be bought and drunk and enjoyed on a basic level (for Fraus standards that is) but with all the range on their menu I wouldn’t suggest choosing this one.


Marshmallows: No (But not needed obviously)

Price: $4.00 cup, $4.50 mug

How they describe it: “From ancient origins, an intoxicating match of fragrant flakes of coconut dipped in perfumed cocoa of the ivory coast.”


Presentation: 6/10

Froth: N/A

Taste: 6.8/10

Overall: 6.9/10

Koko Black - CBD

Koko Black – Royal Arcade, Bourke Street Mall
Belgian Hot Chocolate

Served in a medium sized cup with a spider web pattern on top made out of thick choc syrup and cream on top of a thick mixtured froth with larger sized bubbles. But there could be a bit more of it. Now to the mixture. This is a café specialising in Hot Chocolates and the quality is absolutely marvellous. It is served at a perfectly hot temperature, and the mix is thick and very dark. It is a smooth, creamy and especially thick mixture, and that dark taste stays in the back of your mouth. The marvellous flavour stays consistent throughout (which means no choc shot), but gets thicker towards the end which is even better! My only minor criticism (And it is very minor indeed) is that some people might prefer some optional sugars served with it to counter the strong dark flavour.

Summary: A small store but with a big hitting taste. This Hot Chocolate is superb and I highly recommend it to any dark chocolate lover. Fraus, WATCH OUT!

Marshmallows: No
Price: $5.75
How they describe it: “Freshly Brewed to a traditional Belgian recipe blending full cream milk, cream and 60 percent dark Belgian chocolate. (Also available in chilli, Chocolate Mocha, Cinnamon, and Bonsoy Blends.)”
Address: Royal Arcade, Bourke Street Mall, Melbourne

Presentation: 7.7/10
Froth: 6.3/10
Taste: 9.2/10
Overall: 9.5/10

Cafe Stradina - Hadfield

CafĂ© Stradina – Hadfield

Served in a funky looking mug on a square plate with a marshmallow and 2 optional sugars. This will give it top presentation marks. The froth powder on top is too bitter but there is a perfect amount of froth. The chocolate is stirred and it is a good temperature. But the mixture does not have enough chocolate flavour. It is way too milky and way to weak. It tasted like it had been made with Milo. There is a very slight choc shot at end which is O.K.

Summary: The presentation is top notch, the froth could use work, and the mixture tastes like hot chocolate water. Not exactly a store speciality but I suppose if you are desperate it’s not entirely horrible.


Marshmallows: Yes (1)

Price: $3.40

How they describe it: N/A

Address: 22 Eileen Street, Hadfield

Website: N/A


Presentation: 8.8/10

Froth: 5/10

Taste: 5.4/10

Overall: 5.7/10

Chokolait - The Hub Arcade

Genuine Dark Belgian

*Note when you read any Chokolait review and you see that their info isn't listed in the "Other Info" section, it's becuase it is in this post.


How they describe it: “Freshly prepared with genuine Belgian chocolate for a rich smooth and sumptuous hot chocolate experience”

Address: Shop 8 Hub Arcade


WOW! This place is chocolate heaven! They specialise in Hot Chocolates so here is a quick list of their range:

• Genuine Dark Belgian
• Milk
• Chilli (Hotness scale ranges from 1-10)
• Cinnamon
• Jaffa
• Mocha
• Affogato
• White
(All available in Milk or Dark)

• Dark – 65%
• Dark – 74%

• Thick to drink
• Thick to eat

First of all lets start with the store itself, not only is it hidden and quite hard to find but also everything (and I mean everything) in store is either a Chocolate brown colour or white. The moment you walk in you feel like you are in chocolate land and the aroma is beautiful. When you finally decide what you’ll have off their huge menu you’ll see them pour spoon fulls of pure molten chocolate into your glass in full view. Once it is served to you in a tall high glass with a handle you’ll find it looks fantastically appetising. The froth is rich in chocolaty sweetness, and for once I’ve found a place that uses real choc shreds! The molten chocolate that you saw them put in is still sitting at the bottom and sides of the glass. The mixture itself is wonderful; very thick and very dark. The thing that makes it number 1 for me is the fact that it can be super dark yet without bitterness, something Koko Black couldn’t do. It tastes like unaltered smooth molten choc and that taste stays in your mouth and throat so even when you’ve arrive home you’re still enjoying it. The flavour and thickness both stay consistent. There is a slight sediment shot at the end though.

Summary: Their entire range is just dynamite. Every sip leaves you wanting more. This place ticks all of my boxes, a fantastic menu, a funky store, a great taste and brilliant presentation. The price is definitely worth it and because of all those things this place is number 1.

Marshmallows: No
Price: $6.00

Presentation: 8.6/10
Froth: 10/10
Taste: 9.8/10
Overall: 9.9/10

Observatory Cafe - Botanical Gardens

Observatory CafĂ© – Botanical Gardens, South Yarra

Served in a medium sized mug with optional Marshmallows which are huge. The froth is bland, and there is way, way too much of it. You actually get tired of eating it. Once you finally get past it you’ll find that the chocolate isn’t stirred, and it needs to be hotter. The strong powerful mixture is excellent but could be darker. The mix does get stronger towards the end, which is very good. But there is a choc shot!

Summary: The marshmallows are great, the mixture is quite enjoyable, but the froth is appalling. But after doing a run of “The Tan” I would quite happily have one of these (just feed the froth to your dog or something!)

Marshmallows: Optional (As many as you want)
Price: $4.50
How they describe it: N/A
Address: Botanical Gardens, South Yarra

Presentation: 7/10
Froth: 3.3/10
Taste: 7/10
Overall: 6.5/10

Fraus - North Melbourne (Mint)

Fraus - Mint

Served at a steaming hot temperature, that might be a bit too hot for some. If you read the menu description, you expect it to be green and explosive in your mouth. But 1: it’s not green and 2: there’s no Listerine like explosion of powerful mint in your mouth. The mint flavour definitely needs to be stronger. But if you do wait for the aftertaste the flavour does become a bit more evident and is refreshing in your mouth. Once you’re at about half way you can start to feel the mint in your breath which is lovely. As you get towards the end of the drink the mint does become more powerful, but still not as strong as I’d prefer. Now I was actually hoping to have a massive mint shot at the end to really end with a zing, but instead it disappeared completely. But on the plus side it was super thick!

Summary: You order it expecting to get a refreshing hit of minty-ness to liven up your taste buds, but it doesn’t really live up to that. It’s more of a normal hot chocolate with a subtle mint edge to it.


Marshmallows: No (But not needed obviously)

Price: $4.00 cup, $4.50 mug

How they describe it: “A luxuriously well rounded milk chocolate, blended with intense flavours of fresh calming mint.”


Presentation: 6/10

Froth: N/A

Taste: 7.4/10

Overall: 7.5/10

Intro to Fraus Hot Chocolates

Every now and then you’ll here a review about a Fraus Hot Chocolate the company that took this drink to another level. This place offers 23 different types of Hot Chocolate. If you have never had one it is a necessity for any Hot Chocolate lover or any Chocolate lover at that. My judging with be altered slightly because of the famous signature style of the drink. And if you have never had a Fraus before I very highly suggest you do to put pretty much all of these reviews into relevance.

*Note when you read any Fraus reviews and you see that their info isn't listed in the "Other Info" section, it's becuase it is in this post.

Fraus - North Melbourne
345 Victoria Street, North Melbourne VIC 3051

The Pancake Parlour - CBD

The Pancake Parlour – Bourke St. Mall

Served in a mug with the famous “Lovely” lady on it. And served with two marshmallows already in froth. I didn’t particularly like that idea; I prefer to eat my marshmallows however I want. On the plus side though that does help balance that froth between sweetness and darkness. Also there could be a bit more of it. The chocolate is stirred down the bottom and it has a great temperature. But the flattery stops there. The mixture is not particularly thick but is very bitter. It does become the tiniest bit sweeter in the middle, but then turns bitter again towards the end. This flavour isn’t even a nice dark cacao flavour it’s just plain bitter. No choc shot at end but it is slightly thicker.

Summary: It’s called the “Hot Marshmallow Chocolate” on the menu, but I don’t see how the drink revolves around these. Perhaps to distract people from the intensely strong flavour. My suggestions… 1. Load it up with 37 sugars or 2. Buy the “Vienna Chocolate” Now that’s delicious!


Marshmallows: Yes (2 in froth already)

Price: $5.80

How they describe it: “A mug of hot, full cream milk with our own special blend of rich melted chocolate with or without marshmallows”

Address: Bourke Street Mall, Melbourne



Presentation: 7/10

Froth: 6.8/10

Taste: 4.4/10

Overall: 5.6/10

The French Quarter - North Melbourne

The French Quarter – North Melbourne

When this was served to me it was definitely the best looking presentation I had ever seen. It was a wide homely mug with a flower pattern on the froth on saucepan, along with a serviette, an espresso mug full of optional choc buds, all served on a chrome, silver butler plate.

Now to the taste, I decided I should do my review of this hot chocolate using half of the optional choc buds. The froth has good flavour and unlike most hot chocolates it’s not bland, but there isn’t enough of it. The chocolate is sort of half stirred, and the flavour is beautiful. It’s creamy, smooth and milky, but although I like the milky flavour in this one the chocolate flavour needs to be more present. The only major problem is that it’s not served hot enough to melt the choc buds. Maybe that’s why I didn’t get the chocolate flavour so much. But it also means that you’re left with horrible half melted choc sludge at the bottom of the cup.

Summary: Definitely the best presented Hot Chocolate I’ve ever had, and the most fun to eat and look at. The flavour isn’t too shabby either. The only thing I think is that the choc buds are bit of a gimmick because they don’t melt anyway. But overall Beautiful to look at and to taste!

Marshmallows: No
Price: $4.50
How they describe it: N/A
Address: Corner of Curzon and Queensbury
Website: N/A

Presentation: 10/10
Froth: 6.5/10
Taste: 6.8/10
Overall: 9.4/10

Cafe Orange - Windsor

CafĂ© Orange – Windsor

Served in a small glass at hot temperature, with Chocolate still sitting at bottom. The froth is bland and thin. However the mixture it self (once you’ve stirred in the chocolate at the bottom) is beautiful. It was an absolutely perfect balance between dark bitterness and sweetness. Also there is no choc shot at end.

Summary: The goodness of the mixture is well enough for me to recommend trying this. Just stir the froth in so that you don’t have to suffer tasting its blandness!


Marshmallows: No

Price: N/A

How they describe it: N/A

Address: 126 Chapel street Windsor

Website: N/A


Presentation: 5.4/10

Froth: 1.9/10

Taste: 7.7/10

Overall: 7/10

International Cakes - CBD

International Cakes – Lonsdale Street

Comes to you in a short round mug which is white. Also served with 3 marshmallows which are white. All on a saucepan which is white. The minimalism of it makes it look very tempting. The froth is standard but nice and there is a perfect amount of it. The choc is mostly mixed and it is served very hot! The mix is fantastically rich in flavour and the heat makes it even more enjoyable. It is also consistent and very nice in your throat. There is no choc shot but it is a bit powdery on last swig.

Summary: The outside of the store doesn’t look like much but inside is beautiful cakes, BUT, don’t fill up on them because you’ll need some room to try their great hot chocolate.

Marshmallows: Yes (3)
Price: $4.00
How they describe it: N/A
Address: 185 Lonsdale Central Melbourne
Website: N/A

Presentation: 8.2/10
Froth: 5.3/10
Taste: 7.4/10
Overall: 7.9/10

Max Brenna - Highpoint

Max Brenner – Highpoint

Italian Thick Chocolate (Available in Milk/Dark/White. In this case I ordered milk)

Served in what they call a “Hug Mug” which is basically an egg shaped mug with no handles that you “hug” with you palms. Good idea except for the fact that it looks tiny, and it doesn’t look like it’s worth $6.00! It is served at a good temp though.

There is pretty much no froth so I can’t judge it. The first taste made me pull a face just because I wasn’t ready for it. It was thick and VERY CARAMALY! I don’t know how they can call it a hot “chocolate” at all. At first you may not like the taste (neither did I) but eventually you become custom to beautifully smooth caramaly flavour. It also has a brilliant nutty taste to it as well. On terms of chocolate… I couldn’t really taste anything. But that doesn’t really matter because the taste is beautiful anyway. It stays consistent but gets slightly milkier as you go which changes the flavour a little (which in this case is good). The thickness is good as well, not quite up to their rivals standard (Fraus) but still nice in the back of your throat. When you reach the end there is no shot of anything and even though it looked tiny at the start it actually fills you up really well.

Summary: It’s fun to drink the hot caramaly liquid flowing out of the “hug mug” and into your mouth. It’s a bit pricy yes, and there’s no way it’s an Italian Thick “Chocolate”, but it’s different and I like it. Try it yourself you might love it too.


Marshmallows: No

Price: $6.00

How they describe it: N/A

Address: Highpoint, Maribyrnong



Presentation: 6.8/10

Froth: N/A

Taste: 8.1/10

Overall: 8.1/10