Friday, July 2, 2010

Coco Louge - Glen Waverly

Coco Lounge – Glen Waverly

Served in a tall mug on a retro red saucepan. The froth is beautifully rich but there could have been a bit more of it. The chocolate is clearly not stirred but the serving temperature is VERY HOT!! The mixture I’m sad to say is not chocolaty enough; it tastes way too milky. Another downside is that chocolate sediment constantly settles to the bottom which means you have to keep stirring. On the plus side it is nice and thick in the back of your throat. The flavour does get slightly stronger as u go on, although is cancelled out by the fact that as you get used to the repetitive flavour it tastes more watery.
And finally there is no choc shot.

Summary: When looking at the name of this store I thought “Great this place must make a mean hot chocolate” unfortunately I was pretty disappointed. And I’m guessing so will you.

Marshmallows: No
Price: $4.20
How they describe it: N/A
Address: 93 Railway Parade, Glen Waverly
Website: N/A

Presentation: 6.3/10
Froth: 6.7/10
Taste: 5.4/10
Overall: 6.2/10

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