Saturday, August 21, 2010

Monsieur Truffle - Collingwood

Monsieur Truffle – Collingwood

I must admit it is a bit confusing to get a Hot Chocolate in this place, there are no menus on the tables, no big chalk boards, you have to go up to the counter and just ask and hope.

Nevertheless when you do get the drink, it looks beautiful, a small cup with wooden spoon and saucer, with raw cacao on top. But saying that the froth is terrible, let’s face it you’re eating 100% raw cacao, it is bitter and unpleasant. Mind you once you get past it, the medium thickness mix is amazing. A brilliant dark flavour, unique to anything I’ve ever tasted before. It’s sharp, it’s bitey and it stays in your tongue and throat. And if it does sound too strong for you, they will make it weaker.
Also there is no choc shot, and the size is too small.

Summary: A very fun, unique Hot Chocolate experience. Well worth trying.

Marshmallows: No
Price: $4.00
How they describe it: N/A
Address: 90 Smith Street

Presentation: 9.2/10
Froth: 0.5/10
Taste: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

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